Ramadhan..7 Years Out of Malaysia..

- olives (green n black)
- sliced tomatoes
- salam
- pastırma
- sucuk
- yumurta (eggs)
- omelette with either salam, sucuk or pastırma
- sosis
- Börek
- many many types of cheeses
- honey
- jams n preserves
- dates
etc etc etc..
breakfast.. with pide...hot pide straight from the oven at the baker's shop...
(Ask my sister yana..she is a fan of straight from the oven turkish bread that after returning to Malaysia.. she still cannot forget the bread.. pide is special definitely esp when it is hot)
I am afraid until halil buy himself a new handphone, i cant snap any new photos as i used to... so till then we will have to make do with photos i find on the net...
Do turks have breakfast for iftar thruout the ramadhan? hehe of course not.. the normal course is...
Once the azan is recited, the people will start with breakfast (hot turkish tea, pide n breakfast things...). Later, the iftar will be followed by hot soup. Then, the main menu will be served. It is usually rice with a meat or chicken dish on a plate. After the main dish, the people will start eating the cold dishes already spread on the table... ie cold salad, norlu biber, dolma,zeytinyağlılar,..etc..etc... all those cold dishes in the turkish menu..The dessert will then be served after the cold dishes n later followed by the turkish coffee to help the digestion of the food eaten earlier on...During dinner, normal cold water is served...(in my case-coke). Later, again tea will be served while the people chit chat with each other..at that time again perhaps salty things like salty poağca etc will be served...n the chatting goes on till weee hours...
I think for Türks, iftar has a special place in their hearts. They r the social type that inviting people to ur house for iftar is very common.İftar besides eating together after a long day of fasting is seen as a great way to get together...We invite people to our house n people invite us to theirs....it is common.. n i remember baba..every year..early of ramadhan, the children have to make a booking on the days for baba to come to their houses coz baba normally is booked for iftar almost everyday!!
When i was growing up, i remember the surau or the big mosques will serve food for those going to terawikh... in turkey giving food is also practised.. they have this *iftar cavdırı* (iftar tents) where big tents r set up at specific places..set up by either the municipal governor or certain societies n people .. ..regardless of who u r can go in line n ask for the provided food at the tent..normally bread, rice, hot dish n dessert r provided at these tents..The poor n students especially r secured from hunger this way...the que to get the food is always very long but hey! For those in need... the food is a blessing..i have never tasted the food from the iftar tents..halil wont go in line ever coz he thinks that if he does, he will be eating the *hak* of those in need of the food...n i think i agree with him...
Will continue on ramadhan in istanbul some other time.. i am terribly exhausted these days..dunno why...
Mama sarah
Everytime i try to enter ur blog, my pc will *hang*.. cant check ur blog.. is this that beta thing again????
Simah, mestilah u miss m'sian food because you grew up eating it all. :) Turkish food sounds delicious as well. Tak sabar nak rasa.. The M'sian and Turks have a lot in common juga kan and one of which is 'eating' good food.hahahaahaha.. :)
I nak ajak my friend and her Turk husband to buka dalam bulan Ramadhan ni.Kena fikir nak masak apa..hmmmm
murtabak...mee rebus...bihun sup... pulut seri muka...perghhh sedap tu, hang kena belajaq buat sendiri la kalau rindukan? Tak pa dugaan tu, selamat berbuka hari ni :) apa menu gamaknya...banyak sangat weh :)
cuba u try masak guvec..ada kat dlm my resepi book.. mesti depa suka punya..tapi instead of clay pot..pakai ja casserole cup.. any turks will like that..
bila masak makan sorang sorang tu yg tak piawww tu....nak makan makanan kita ramai ramai baru syok..
ari ni makan luar heheheh ari ni ada orang b day.. sambut b'day sambil beriftar..bole la lepak rileks satu hari ari ni (dlm mimpi) heheh hang pulak? masak apa ari ni?
alin.. jawapan utk hang termasuk kat dlm comment utk sherin sekali..the last 2 paragraps.. heheh sorri la.. terlupa nak type nama hang kat situ.. jangan mareeee
Wah, the Turks punya buka puasa spread pun very lavish lah. Macam-macam ada!
Simah, kalau nak instant spices for masakan-masakan Melayu - habaq mai lah. Kalau dah teringin sangat nak makan - kesian pulak asyik dok teliorq!! I can send you some :-) I depend on a lot of instant pastes to make my life in the kitchen easier.
Queen of the House
it is indeed very lavish.. halil n i had a conversation about that last night.. somehow this lavishness beats the purpose of fasting.. i mean.. we should eat moderately..but turkish iftar is like... bila ajak tetamu kat rumah.. meja tak cukup nak letak makanan (breakfast n cold dishes)..tu pun soup n main dishes buat servis dari dapur... dengan salad plate lagi..etc..etc..etc... pinggan mangkuk pun pakai banyak..not just makanan mesti banyak..
awww.. that is very sweet of u..:0) ..biasa la bila bulan posa ni the desire to eat the malaysian food is over over terover..the offer is so sweet but i think i learn to live without those things until the day i go back to malaysia for my holiday... i dont want to be a spoilt kind of person :0)..bila balik nanti nak buli mak masak macam macam...
baru semalam saya buat cucur kodok ikan bilis cicah dengan thai sweet chilli... heheh tu dah teringin sangat makan tu yg buat tu.. makan sorang sorang ja.. budak 3 ekor kat rumah ni tak teringin sentuh pun hehehehe selera depa lain gila..
wah simah..kayanya ngan masakan time buka posa..
colourful betuila..
eh..awak surf aje internet, carilah resepi murtabak, insyaAllah ada kot..
anak2 sahur sama tak?
ari ni buka apa?
saya baru aje buat sambal udang, sayur tak tau lagi, nak buat onde2, oh ya..baki bubur kacang ijau ada lagi..itu aje menu saya..
masak kat kedai kot...chek masak masa sahur je, untuk berbuka beli je bukan apa, agih2 kan rezeki di bulan posa ni, kalau kita tak membeli kurang plak rezeki depa (ke ke ke ...)
Simah : first time come here ? Eh Yer ker ? First time comment here. Mebbe hopped from Maklang's.
Really nice to know a blog all the way from Turkiye.I do have lotsa co-workers / friends in Instanbul, and contacting them till today. (Cemalettin, Celal, Engin, Haydar, Tayyar (Fly))
I still remember this exquisite Tavuk Locanta, Ankara Asfalti Uzeri,. betul ker nih ?
Definitely will come back for more.
gambar tu saya kidnap kat internet ja..tapi kalau iftar yg betul..lagiiii banyak makanan atas meja...selalunya kalau sesapa yg host iftar mesti penat gila sebab service makanan ..air teh utk iftar continously..lepas tetamu balik memang akan pengsan..
eh syikin.. one day saya pi rumah awak awak masak kat saya? teringin nak rasa masakan syikin.. mcm sedap gila ja..
hatice hari sekolah kitaorang tak posakan lagi.. fisr day dulu kitaorang suruh dia posa half day..hari sabtu n ahad ni kot saya ingat nak bangunkan dia sahur n suruh posa full day.. baddin saya nak startkan tahun depan kot..
boleh tak awak buat entry bagi tips mcm mana nak mulakan anak anak berposa please?
waaa bestnya main tapau tapau.. hehehe menolong menambahkan rezeki tuan kedai..tak pa tak pa berkat..... poket ja yg kempis :0)
this is ur second time here actually.. i tried to visit ur blog but i think it is not open for public?
am not sure where the photo was taken since i just kidnapped it from the net..(hp rosak).. ..kena tunggu hp baru..for real photo snaps..
u have been to turkey i see.. do u come here often? on business?
Thanks for hopping by here..i do try to relate my experience here with all my friends... sharing is always good...even though they r just silly thoughts..:0)
simah, hari tu shami pun kata lambat nak load my blog! i pun tak tahulah apa kena dgn my blog. it happens sometimes kot.
but i can imagine, mesti u sakit hati your computer hang just because my blog.
anyway, betul u cakap, bila ada gang makan memang seronok! i bet kan simah, kalau i jumpa u - sure LAJU je kita makan.tak kiralah juadah apa masa tu.
enjoy enjoy...best best...nanti jgn pulak blame semua makanan tu ye kalau baju kurung ka terasa ketat....hehehehe....food sikit punya menggoda tu..tgk pun tak boleh tahan...apa lagi kalau dah ada depan..
cheers simah.
Selamat beribadah dan beramal dalam Ramadhan al Mubarak ini.
I still remember the good juadah iftar at Diwani Oteli and at Yıldız Palace. The energetic tarawikh at Valide Sultan and Eyup. Oh how I miss Ramadhan in Istanbul. And the lights spanning the minarets.
Please convey my selam to your hubby and his dad and request your dad to convey my greetings to my hocam, Nevzat Bey. Çok Çok selam soyle.
mama sarah
memang laju gila hehehehe tu yg kita tak boleh makan sekali... :0)
i boleh masuk blog u..tapi automatic mesti hang..so i cant comment...tension betul... but just know that i always visit ur blog... :0)
Keng Bey..
Teşekkur Ederim...size de..
insyaAllah i will tell baba to tell Nevzat Bey..
Yeah... iftar near the mosques is alwayss n always wonderfull
terlupa u pulak heheh
tak payah tunggu bulan posa utk sendatkan baju..my baju memang dah sendat selalu..tensennnnnnnnnn
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