Sunday, October 01, 2006

Pilav n I

There we were... just halil n i....he was refilling the tea for the guests..n i was..doing something........ n i asked him...

simah : Why is my pilav not like this pilav? (Pointing at the teflon of pilav in front of me). Why
cant i make a pilav like this just like yenge?
halil: Because ur name is simah n not mahture!

Turkish Pilav....the basic of all..rice, salt, oil (or butter) once it is cooked should be like this...

pilavlar tane tane olsun (each rice grain ..not sticking to each other...u can count the by one..)..that is what u call a good turkish pilav.. n i..coming from a rice eating country..where we eat rice for breakfast (ie nasi lemak), lunch n dinner.... do not know how to cook a wonderful pilav!!! hahhahahahahaha

I remember a string of disasters that i had in pilav making...pilav n i..we r sworn enemies...just like desserts n i...

I remember a few years that time anne was alive.. We were inviting halil's friends from the university (bölum arkadaşlar) for iftar.. it was a crowded iftar...I prepared the food of course.. n sweet anne even made a few cold dishes like her famous dolma for me (she knew i was a terrible dolma maker ..hey! i was a new bride! give me a break here :0))..Everything was all ready...2 hours before iftar.. i cooked the pilav..opened the pressure cooker..terrible rice.. i threw the rice n cooked a new one (Allah forgive me for the waste).. again the same thing!! I had an hour to go before iftar...n i was in panic...No rice!! and rice is part of the main menu!!!.. Ring ring... Anne...imdat!!!! (Anne help!!).. n half an hour after that... a pressure cooker with a wonderfully cooked rice reached my front door..My saviour!! ...Anne hakkını helal olsun!! I could kiss my mom in law right there n then..i think that was among my first iftars n u can imgine my panic right??

Another worse experience....

Another iftar.. a few years after anne's pilav story..we invited around 10 to 12 university students to our house for iftar....normally they r the ones whose parents live outside istanbul... anyway... the main menu was dolma..etli biber dolması, kabak dolmasi... u know..the lot...n silly me..i tried to cook tavuklu pilav as well....n the best part of all...i didnt check the rice until 5 minutes before iftar!!!!!!..When i opened the pressure cooker... the pilav was not even cooked!!!!!nasi mentah!!....imagine my shame!!.. so the hungry guys had to make do with only the rich iftar breakfast n soup n dolma for iftar...n to make things worse..for dessert i cooked aşure.. i was still learning to cook aşure at that time..experimenting still with my cooking.....n i added salt inside it.. it ended up as a sweet.salty aşure!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah even until today, those students still remember my iftar even i think i have mabe better iftars after that...uncooked pilav..salty aşure hahahahahahahahahah..what a shameful iftar!!! hahahahahahaha.. i still feel shameful n funny thinking of those days hahahahah..well.. i had an excuse though.. i am a yabancı (foreigner)...:0))))

Ever since then, if i am giving an iftar.. if Mahture Yenge is free.. i WiLL definitely ask her to cook for me the pilav... tane tane...butir butir... she is a good pilav cooker..just like last night *chuckles* ..we had the Zaim family for iftar n sweet yenge again became my pilav saviour.. why even try cooking pilav when yenge is around, huh?? Yenge hakkın helal olsun :0)

Of course i cook pilav almost everyday.... but it is a risky business for me.. sometimes it turns out good..sometimes it turns out lapa (sticking to each other).. it is not hard cooking pilav.. i dunno ....maybe subconsciously i dont like cooking pilav...that is why i never bothered..i am a decent cook...i can cook almost everything but when it comes to dessert n pilav.. i just dont like cooking them.....i guess i should start liking them now... yenge wont be here forever...i cant ask her to cook my pilav everytime i have crowded guests, right?

Yup... my shameful experiences for u to google about hehehehehehe.. Have fun laughing at me! :0) Pilav n i...we r sworn enemies :0)

p.s mama sarah.. still *hang* bole tak u give me ur email addy..i comment kat sana aja la..

Thank You for hopping by..Hope to see U again next time....


Blogger Alinlai said...

isk isk isk kalau chek la, jamu depa makan 'moi' la, payah2 sangat :) dak pun buat nasi lemak kaw kaw

Monday, 02 October, 2006  
Blogger Kaklong Syikin said...


debor weh kalau tak jadikan.tak pe, insyaAllah awak akan master bab nasi pilav ni..

Monday, 02 October, 2006  
Blogger rad said...

Eh, takkan giveup kot? Banyak masa lagi boleh experiment! Hm, ramai yang boleh membantu but not me lah - coz I dont cook, esp. now very seldomly do. But I bake a mean choc cake, cheese cake, carrot cake, banana cake...& many more.. heheheheh
My point is - it's ok if you're sworn enemy of pilav!!

Monday, 02 October, 2006  
Blogger Mama Rock said...

hmmm, mama ni tak tau okay ke tak okay the turn out janji sedap semua mama bedal!

Monday, 02 October, 2006  
Blogger Queen Of The House said...

Susah rupanya nak masak pilaf. Simah, jamu bubur lambuk ajelah ....

Monday, 02 October, 2006  
Blogger simah said...

i sebenarnya malas nak cuba menghebatkan my pilav. (alasan hehehehe).kat sini kitaorang pakai pressure it is 1 cup rice to 1 cup water..kalu pakai teflon..1 cup rice with 1 n a half cup water..apa apa pun nasib baik la halil ni jenis tak suka complain hehehhe

jamu depa moi?? hahahahahahaahahahahah lawak la hang..

masalahnya saya tak mau master bab pilav hehehe saya tak suka masak nasik... jadi apa patut saya buat syikin? :0)

waaaa ni master buat cake la ni?? tak mau jamu kami ka?? *wink*

masak nasik? ingat balik mesia nak beli rice cooker ja kot...senanggggggggg..kat turki tak ada consep rice cooker langsung...

mama rock
kan best kalu semua orang mcm mama? jom kita pi makan mama :0)

Queen of the house
bubur lambuk? hheeheh..rasanya hanya halil akan suka makan bubur lambuk sebab pernah buat kat dia...yg lain mesti kerut muka heheheh maybe i should try masak bubur lambuk one day for dinner..can u imagine??!! hehehe

Monday, 02 October, 2006  
Blogger Lollies said...

eh apa nak ketawalak. oklah tu. he he he

mana satu blog yang i nak pergi ni

Monday, 02 October, 2006  
Blogger simah said...

mana mana blog u rasa u nak pi...bole pi..tapi my usual blog tu ni

yg utk hatice tu saja utk record her school days memory ja..coz my memory is soooooooooo terrible..gamaknya sebab masa kecik tak cukup makan kismis kot :0)

Tuesday, 03 October, 2006  

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