Another cat story

Did u know??
- that hatice's first word was *edi?* means *kedi* in turkish...and kuching in Malay and cat in english..
-that baddin's another personality is a *cat*..he used to pretend to swallow his saliva, and started meowing like a cat..he now sleeps with his furry cat toy ( a gift from meşe hala)..and much to my suprise... he was jelous when i was fluffing that female cat the other day *chuckles*
Yeah.. we love family in Malaysia.. i grew up among cats.. when i was in my primary school, i remember we had at least 20 cats... my elder sister at that time was ..and is.. sooo into cats...she love cats..and i grew up seeing the rest of the younger siblings liking cats as well..i think now we even have a siamese kitten at home.. my mom bought it from a friend...
I remember one experience i have wih cats.. i was young then. We used to live in kampung kastam in penang (kastam quaters).. at that time the taman tun sardon flats were not even under construction..there were still bukit everywhere.. i remember whenever my dad was at home..(he was away a lot coz he was a custom marine officer)..he would enter the forest to go and find jering... kodiang..all sorts of ulam..i used to eat them as well..until of course i started to realize that they make ur mouth smell n never to eat it on school days heheheheh..the good old times...i suppose i will still eat them if i encounter them once again..besides..there r loads of breath freshner on the market nowadays anyway, right?
ok..ok..back to my cat experience... like i said.. Taman Tun Sardon flats were not there yet.. village houses were still there.. (geei forgot the name of our neighbours).. anyway.. i used to hang out around the quaters area..n around that village house areas..u see... in the old days.. it was safe.. i grew up there with only one rule from my mom..
*u can go anywhere u want to around the quaters area..but be home for ur lunch and come home before maghrib*
so there was one day..while i was wondering around, i saw these 2 male cats were about to fight..i remember one is orange and white in color.. the i think..
Anyway..they were big male cats..they were facing each other in anger and producing that grrrrrrrrrr sound cats produce when they wanna fight...i dunno what i was thinking... i guess i wanted to stop the cats from what i did was..
i picked a stick and pushed it into the butt of the orange cat!! The cat changed enemy and scratched the back of my left was bleeding all over..i cried naturally. Pak Mail (our neighbour) found me..he brought me to my mom and then my mom asked him to bring me to a clinic. I remember sitting inside the *bakul* of his motobike as he brought me to a clinic near the taman tun sardom market area (it no longer exists..the clinic i mean).. the doctor got my arms stitched up..and up till today.. i have these scars...lines of the scratch of around 10cm behind my left hands as proof of my wonderful cat experience.
i think after that . stayed away from angry cats.. it took me years to start loving cats again..i am not crazy crazily in love with cats the way my sisters n mom do..still..i do love to have a cat around in my life..
But one lesson learnt..
if u want to try it... u can hehehehehehhee
Thank You for hopping by..Hope to see U again next time....
p.s hatice n baddin has started their classical flu n coughing..then.. fever will come out.. then the lungs will be full..n then..slowly.. nebuliser with just plain vapour (no medicine)..antibiotics...bla bla bla.. the same process.. pls pray they will get well soon..
how to pronounce Anne? (as in the name Anne or A-ne?)
i wonder motosikal ada bakul wujud lagi ke sekarang di msia? cutenya simah dlm bakul motosikaaaal. hehe.
get well soon children
oh wow catlover:)simah you can join my friend at
he loves all animals and spend his $$ on them.
Hope your children be ok yes I know this URTI can be bad esp if you have history of asthma.
mama sarah
it is pronounced cara melayu..
*An - Ne*
2 syllables..
i pun tak sure la pasal bakul tu.. tapi memang motor lama mesti ada bakul..senang nak angkut barang bila pi market..
kak elle
i have checked out ur friend's blog... i admire his effort.. thanks 4 the addy kak elle.
hatice has approached the stage of *fever* (2 times in 10 hours).. baddin still dry cough n flu..but since he has great risks of asthma.. i keep the ventolin n pulmucort liquid for nebuliser really really close..
most definitely they will start antibiotics soon..:0(
Simah N MamaSarah
Ada lagi dad ada motor buat pergi masjid, ada bakul lagi..Honda EX5. Petang2 bawa cucu. My neice keliling kampung..hihi..
Sometimes i worry when i pass by children "playing" with community cats because some kids do inadvertently hurt them such as poking the butts or pulling the tails, resulting in an adverse reaction. Parents, who do not see the cause of the provocation, will blame the cats, lodge a complaint with the town council. The result will be pest control van coming to round up the cats to be killed! I will stand by to observe how the kids handle the cats and if i feel that the cats are in danger, i will intervene by stopping the play, educate the kids or move the cats away.
simah, i can imagine the cat yelping and said to you "what if i poke your butt!" hahahah, funny la you :)
hah bab kucing ni surrender la...yang besaq ok yang kecik2 tu eiii tolong tolong ke ke ke...eiii geli
kucing tengah garang mmg camtu. avoid them is the best. my friend kena cakar ngam2 kat urat nadi. darah bersembur2. nasib baik hidup.
i oso cat lover. tapi sekarang tak belalah. malas.
alahai..siannya kat simah.
anak2 saya nak bela kucing tp saya tak bagi.
teringat dulu p rombongan student ke mesir, kucing2 kat sana jenis gabak2 n garang plak tu.
p.s.. saya dah email yg terbaru utk awak :D.kalau tak de, bagitau ya..
The scar must be something of a reminder eh? Berapa tahun yg lalu itu? Heheheheh (I'm actually wondering & hinting at ur age)
Would love to have cats as pets again - if & only when I already settle down lah...nowadays I live like a nomad.One of my niece jz got into this cat-loving phase so recent raya saw her boarding the pet-cat @RM10 per day (discounted from RM15) @an animal clinic in SA!
The best part abt pet-cats is the cuddling time, then you hear 'engine-sound' - music to our ears!
The terrible part bila they (well-trained of cz) 'accidently' - muntah or b***k esp. bila tak sihat. Semua org lari so sape akhirnya yg kena buat sume tu?
I'm familiar at the nebulizer thing too...jz tengok anak2 buah. Sometimes my mak & one sis will got to use that too..(keturunan nih). So I really hope ur kids are getting better, still having fun somehow! (Anne nye jgn lupa tc gak)
P/s: Do u knw what happen to our Yang Arif? Dah kena hijack or kidnap?
"An-Ne" cara Melayu maksudnya
ada 2 jenis 'e' (eg. perang color or perang dunia)- yg mana satu?
An-Ner or An-ney? Serious nih..
Nice to read about cat. I don't know whether I love cat or not but as far as I am concerned, love caressing them and thought of having a cat or two at home but never really decided to really have it at home. May be we are afraid of our hammsters, we name after Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie will not like it to have their estranged cousin of cat to be roaming in the house as both Brad & Angie love to roam freely with the watchful eyes of my daughter.
BTW, Thanks for visiting my blog... I am sure will come back again here...
mesti cute yea tengok bapak ajzie bawak budak budak tu dalam bakul...mesti depa berebut rebut nak masuk bakul heheheh comelnyaaaaaaaa bila saya imagine
thank u for visiting my blog..
i think parents' education is important...for us for example, we forbid the kids to touch any street cats.It is how parents approach the kids on what to do n what not to do..
mama rock
the cat must have said that in a brutal way hehehe kesian jugak kuching tu..mesti sakit pungkok dia..
saya telah berdosa ..
kalu camtu hang bela la hamster hahahahah keluarga tikus hahaha..hang ni mcm my sis in law ja..jeli binatang hehe
sampai tersembur darah? eeeeeeeeeeiii ngerinya..nasib baik hidup like u said..
memang nak bela kuching ni banyak responsibilities.. shots... la bla bla.. it is just like having another kid.. only it is a cat..
anak lelah nak bela kuching ni memang lemah kan syikin?
kat ni pun kuching gedebak gila..bulu tebal.. gamaknya sebab musim sejuk kot. for self protection..
gambar dah datang... terima kasih syikin.. yeay!! dah tengok dah :0)
senyum melebar..
entah entah kita sama age tak??? or u may be older?? n imagine..u called me *kakak=??????* weiiiii DO i LOOK that OLD????????
i have just got one thing to say to u...*pi mandi bunga!!* hahahahahahahaahah
jodoh kan ditangan Allah..bila sampai sampai la... kalau tak enjoy hidup bujang..
tak pa nanti bila dah settle down.. nak bela kuching pun tak ada masa..
my kids r better..Alhadulillah.. pengsan jugak malam malam tido dengan diaorang atas katil depa.. kesian hatice..demam demam..
dua syllable..
with the *e* bunyi mcm *perang -the color)..
dunno what has happened to arif..i too hope he is ok..
hahahahah that is soooo cute!!
my nephews(kat malaysia) have hamster as well..but they r kept in cage..dan bila nak main jer keluarkan..
dont hamsters run away if let roam free? they r really cheeky fast runner if they want to.
Thank u too for visiting my blog..
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