This need to volume up the liquid in my body for the last two days (COKE!!)..the excessive level of liquid loss...countless trips to the loo..the lack of appetite to eat anything..the pain in the tummy...feeling cold the whole time.. even still today..has left me physically drained...excessively not soooo myself....so why am i here?? hehehehe i am BORED from lying n entertaining the not so nice feeling i have ...
I am dreaming of drinking my iced coke...Cant..till iftar time.. oh..didnt i tell u? nowdays...i am decreasing my intake of Coca Cola... instead.. we r buying more n more of this...
Yup..COLA TÜRKA... to see the advertisement...click here
Better support the local company right? After all..if Merve(halil's niece), a Cola cola expert in the family can at times mistake Coca Cola for Cola Türka..then..i think Ülker is doing just fine in their production of Cola Türka...
Anyway..this talk of water reminds me of a shop i saw last week in Kadıköy....remember somewhere near the Kadıköy cami..we saw this one shop...the name: AKVEREN ŞİFAHANE..this is their pamplet..can u guess what kind of shop it is?
Yup! it is a shop selling only n i do mean selling only FRESH SQUEEZED FRUİT JUİCE!!
In the world where carbonated drinks is the vogue..this kind of shop is totally welcomed..i squeeze fresh fruit juice for my hatice n baddin at home..but to find a shop like this..is very very *cool* indeed!! The kids were thirsty at that time... so we went into the shop, sat inside it while waiting for the kids to finish their drinks..
The prices of the juice differ from one juice type to another...If i am not mistaken.. one plastic cup of orange juice is 1YTL..which is cheap because the orher day i went to buy the same amount of juice from Bariş Bufe in Bağdat Caddesı..i ended up paying 4YTL for that small plastic glass!!! ..carrot juice, apple juice...1YTL....I was tempted by the pomegranate (buah delima..aka nar)..that reddish colour... so i asked the guy to pack 2 glasses (put in a plastic container)..n brought it home....we had that for iftar..the taste?? hmmmm... let us just say...add in another sweet juice..ie...orange or carrot juice inside the pomegranate juice coz by itself as a juice alone....it is really bitter!!..(THOUGH VERY BENEFİCİAL)..All in all...Hatice finished 2 glasses of orange juice while baddin drank one..
A lot of people flocked the shop to drink the juices...U may ask...People? Drinking? While everybody else is fasting????..
Well..yeah... that is the truth of the fasting month in here.. to feel the spirit of the fasting month...u should know where to go...If u walk at the elite streets... normally...u will feel sad..at least i do feel sad...I cant help the feeling coz everywhere on the street... u see people openly smoking... openly eating n drinking.. n i am talking about people of all ages...young ..old...male..female...esp the young ones.....restaurants n cafes will be packed esp during weekends n lunchtime...openly eating n drinking...i cant help but to say to myself...*is this what the future will be like?*...i mean these people r the next generation we r talking about...they will steer the wheel for the generation after that...will generation next has no respect for the holy month as well? I mean..ok..*u dont want to fast...that is ur choice.*..the hisab... the calculation of deeds is between u n ur creator...but at least respect the month, right?
On the other hand... if u go to camiis...the mosques...that is when u feel...n say to urself..*ahhhhhhhh.... this is what this holy month is all about*.. my favourite is Eyub Camii..

This Cami is named after Ayub (Eyub) Al Ansaari... Remember when Rasulullah first moved from Mekah to Madinah during hijrah? He stayed at Ayub's house... The story i heard from halil was... Eyub wanted to die in war....so even though he was sick at that time, he still mounted his horse (or was it camel?) n headed to istanbul... he died here n was burried in the Eyub camii compound.....U can visit his grave still.. people still flock the grave to read an ayat or two...
Back to fasting...If u go to the mosques...sejukkkk hati... u feel calm n blessed n proud to be fasting... over there people flock the cami area..Last year for example... when halil, the kids n i went for an iftar at the eyub cami...u can see a lot..n i do mean...a lottttt of people everywhere...the cami authority even put out mats outside the camii for the people to sit on for their iftar...outside the camii area, there was also a big iftar cavdır (iftar tents) to give away food for the poor... the que was................. we didnt wait in the que of course...we bought köfte from the restaurant nearby for the kids as ı had packed sandwiches from home for halil n i...u be there is to feel the spirit...it is soooo very nice to be near a mosque..(i think Keng Bey would agree...)for the iftar...thousands of people were there...the prayed the maghrib there..n probably terawikh as well... it was some sort of a celebration...the crowd..lights... the sound of quran reading...To be there made me feel...yes.. i am proud to be a muslim...:0)
I just pray to Allah that my kids will be among those who will fast once they grow up...this year they have not started yet... halil n i agreed that hatice will start next year... while baddin will start the year after that...please pray for my kids...pray that they will be good insans... who will obey the call of their religion..No parents want their kids to stray from the right path..Ya Allah..please protect my kids...
Thank You for hopping by..Hope to see U again next time....
I am dreaming of drinking my iced coke...Cant..till iftar time.. oh..didnt i tell u? nowdays...i am decreasing my intake of Coca Cola... instead.. we r buying more n more of this...

Better support the local company right? After all..if Merve(halil's niece), a Cola cola expert in the family can at times mistake Coca Cola for Cola Türka..then..i think Ülker is doing just fine in their production of Cola Türka...
Anyway..this talk of water reminds me of a shop i saw last week in Kadıköy....remember somewhere near the Kadıköy cami..we saw this one shop...the name: AKVEREN ŞİFAHANE..this is their pamplet..can u guess what kind of shop it is?

In the world where carbonated drinks is the vogue..this kind of shop is totally welcomed..i squeeze fresh fruit juice for my hatice n baddin at home..but to find a shop like this..is very very *cool* indeed!! The kids were thirsty at that time... so we went into the shop, sat inside it while waiting for the kids to finish their drinks..
The prices of the juice differ from one juice type to another...If i am not mistaken.. one plastic cup of orange juice is 1YTL..which is cheap because the orher day i went to buy the same amount of juice from Bariş Bufe in Bağdat Caddesı..i ended up paying 4YTL for that small plastic glass!!! ..carrot juice, apple juice...1YTL....I was tempted by the pomegranate (buah delima..aka nar)..that reddish colour... so i asked the guy to pack 2 glasses (put in a plastic container)..n brought it home....we had that for iftar..the taste?? hmmmm... let us just say...add in another sweet juice..ie...orange or carrot juice inside the pomegranate juice coz by itself as a juice alone....it is really bitter!!..(THOUGH VERY BENEFİCİAL)..All in all...Hatice finished 2 glasses of orange juice while baddin drank one..
A lot of people flocked the shop to drink the juices...U may ask...People? Drinking? While everybody else is fasting????..
Well..yeah... that is the truth of the fasting month in here.. to feel the spirit of the fasting month...u should know where to go...If u walk at the elite streets... normally...u will feel sad..at least i do feel sad...I cant help the feeling coz everywhere on the street... u see people openly smoking... openly eating n drinking.. n i am talking about people of all ages...young ..old...male..female...esp the young ones.....restaurants n cafes will be packed esp during weekends n lunchtime...openly eating n drinking...i cant help but to say to myself...*is this what the future will be like?*...i mean these people r the next generation we r talking about...they will steer the wheel for the generation after that...will generation next has no respect for the holy month as well? I mean..ok..*u dont want to fast...that is ur choice.*..the hisab... the calculation of deeds is between u n ur creator...but at least respect the month, right?
On the other hand... if u go to camiis...the mosques...that is when u feel...n say to urself..*ahhhhhhhh.... this is what this holy month is all about*.. my favourite is Eyub Camii..

This Cami is named after Ayub (Eyub) Al Ansaari... Remember when Rasulullah first moved from Mekah to Madinah during hijrah? He stayed at Ayub's house... The story i heard from halil was... Eyub wanted to die in war....so even though he was sick at that time, he still mounted his horse (or was it camel?) n headed to istanbul... he died here n was burried in the Eyub camii compound.....U can visit his grave still.. people still flock the grave to read an ayat or two...
Back to fasting...If u go to the mosques...sejukkkk hati... u feel calm n blessed n proud to be fasting... over there people flock the cami area..Last year for example... when halil, the kids n i went for an iftar at the eyub cami...u can see a lot..n i do mean...a lottttt of people everywhere...the cami authority even put out mats outside the camii for the people to sit on for their iftar...outside the camii area, there was also a big iftar cavdır (iftar tents) to give away food for the poor... the que was................. we didnt wait in the que of course...we bought köfte from the restaurant nearby for the kids as ı had packed sandwiches from home for halil n i...u be there is to feel the spirit...it is soooo very nice to be near a mosque..(i think Keng Bey would agree...)for the iftar...thousands of people were there...the prayed the maghrib there..n probably terawikh as well... it was some sort of a celebration...the crowd..lights... the sound of quran reading...To be there made me feel...yes.. i am proud to be a muslim...:0)
I just pray to Allah that my kids will be among those who will fast once they grow up...this year they have not started yet... halil n i agreed that hatice will start next year... while baddin will start the year after that...please pray for my kids...pray that they will be good insans... who will obey the call of their religion..No parents want their kids to stray from the right path..Ya Allah..please protect my kids...
Thank You for hopping by..Hope to see U again next time....
siapa tak mau anak2 dia berjaya dunia akhirat kan?
semoga anak2 kita membesar dan tergolong dalam insan2 yang berguna dan taat kepada Allah dan ibubapa
setuju 100% mcm mamasarah. Moga anak2 kita cermelang dan berjaya dunia dan akhirat.
Simah, u ni mmg suka minum coke ye? I can never finish a glass of coke! Tak minat le but iced lemon tea..... hoooooo... gimme gimme gimme.. i just love iced lemon tea..hehehehehe..
Simah, as parents, we want only the best for our children. We also want them to grow up to be good people.:)
InsyaAllah,let us pray for all our children.
setuju ngan pendapat semua di atas..saya pun nak anak2 berjaya dunia n akhirat.depa aset kita.mmg kita yg membentuk depa. Moga segala tunjuk ajaar kita depa praktikkan seikhlasnya biarpun kita tiada di depan mrk kan?
Nanti seronok tau SImah tgk gelagat anak2 berpuasa n bersahur :D
insyaAllh our kids will be the kisinambungan of observing ramadhan.
MasyaAllah, we're so lucky here in Malaysia. One of my colleague, a Christian Indonesian, who looks like a Malay, always grumble how ppl in the shops, cafetaria or wherever give her that questioning look (stare more like it!)whenever she goes out to buy lunch! I even told her, "perhaps you can just casually mentioned to the cashier that you're non-muslim...better yet, wear a tag! LOL"
She told me that in Indonesia, the situation is (more or less like in Turkey) ppl don't care abt Ramadhan, feel free to eat in the open - no kereta mayat utk angkut org2 Islam yg makan secara terbuka di siang hari!
hmmm kiranya kat M'sia ni org masih hormatkan Ramadhan w'pun tak posa...Alhamdulillah semoga berterusan macam tu. ehhh mana add hang nak pos kad raya ni? e mel me at khn695@hotmail.com
kat sini uice stall berlambak2. best and cheap
i have been to turkey. in Istanbul after i finished maghrib cum isyak just both of us at the blue mosque, went out orang dok minum. they tell me they are muslims though.
my turkish friends kat uk pun in a very very sorry state.
kita sama-sama doakan untuk anak kita.
sentiasa di sirotol mustaqim
mama sarah dan ajzie
Amin... sama sama lah kita mendoakan...takut sangat saya kalau anak anak saya terpesong..dah la mak dia sembahyang pon dok tunggang langgang lagi..anak anak tak mau la jadi mcm tu..
coke is my all time favourite heheh masa pregnant dulu pun minum sampai birth.. doktor pun kasi heheheh
iced lemon tea tu.. hehe mai rumah i.. i selalu buat.. my family love sit... tapi iced tea tu bila u letakkan sekeping dua daun mint (frsh mint tu i petik kat dapur.. my pot plant)...lagi piaw.. a hint of mint is nice as well..cuba la..tapi pudina yg kat mesia tu i tak tau la effect dia... sebab the type of mint we have in turkey ni jenis small thin leaves... kat mesia rasanya thick n big..kan?
saya setuju dengan awak syikin... rasanya awak ni lebih berjaya dari saya..still i try la...
tak sabar tengok gelagat diaorang posa tahun depan..mcm mana la gamaknya yea?
mama rock
aminnnnnn..tersangat sangat la aminnnnnnnn
diaorang pakai kereta mayat ka angkut orang tak posa?? hahahahahahaha... mesti seram sejuk orang yg naik kereta mayat tu.. tapi elok la..biar depa ingat sikit..tak posa tu nanti dah mati nk jawab apa ? bukan boleh main kelentong dah masa tu...
hehehe dah email dah kat hang..ni muka tak malu nak kad raya...:0)
orang mesia memang lucky..sekurangnya hendak tak hendak diaorang kena respect bulan ni...tak makan tunjuk tunjuk....chek selalunya masa bulan posa ni la bila jalan dok target kedai mana yg tak senonoh..ie..pekerja depa makan open open..etc..etc..kalau boleh nak support kedai yg baik baik sikit...
living here means..u have to be careful with the circle of people u mix in... if u mix with the right circle..hati sejuk... but if u mix with the too secular circle..u will feel sad inside..though the truth is... u cant make friends with people ONLY from just one circle..u make friends with both circles..... ur beliefs is the basic thing in deciding whether u will stray or not..my hope is *not*..
email me your add: nisakzin@gmail.com
Simah, ye ke? I nak gi rumah you rasa iced lemon tea with a hint of mint! sedapnya. Simah, come give me ur address also. Nanti I hantaq kad kat you.
mama sarah n sherin
ı dengan muka tak malunya dah hantaq my email addy!! hahahahaha tak kira la..kat sini tarak kad raya..orang turki tak produce pun any types of card utk raya...sabar je la..
kalau korang nak hantaq ..i nanti senyum... kalau tak pun no hal... it is the thoughts that count :0)
p.s .. mai jangan tak mai... home made iced tea with mint memang nice..itu pendapat i jer la... orang lain punya pendapat tak tau la..
mama sarah n sherin
ı dengan muka tak malunya dah hantaq my email addy!! hahahahaha tak kira la..kat sini tarak kad raya..orang turki tak produce pun any types of card utk raya...sabar je la..
kalau korang nak hantaq ..i nanti senyum... kalau tak pun no hal... it is the thoughts that count :0)
p.s .. mai jangan tak mai... home made iced tea with mint memang nice..itu pendapat i jer la... orang lain punya pendapat tak tau la..
simah, saya belum berjaya lagi rasanya..tak blh puas hati cepat2..risau sentiasa..tp doa tak putus utk mereka
oh ya, camner rasa coke turki? saya dah rasa cola mecca, taklah sekuat rasa coke kat msia ni..
Salam 21st Ramadhan.
Are you ok? Overdose cola ka? BTW, I just come across yahoo news - cola drinks are bad for women especially - osteoporosis or something...
So, minum ayaq kosong je la kita! Ices lagi cannot..
Salam Simah.
I was surprised too when I was in Turkey for a short holiday. Some muslims I met do not practise islamic ways ie. pray 5 times a day. They even drink liquor freely during lunch and dinner. Kenapa ye?
As for the children, teach them when they are still young. My hubby & I was accused of being kejam when we let our children fast when they were 5 yrs old. I am glad that we did that. I know my children will do the same to their kids too...
Simah...sebagai ibu memang kita tidak pernah putus berdoa untuk anak2...walau pun bukan dlm solat...kita sentiasa mendoakan kebaikan mereka...moga anak2 kita akan menjadi anak yang membanggakan kita...dunia & akhirat...Aminnn
Coke..? Kak lady pun tak minat...kalau juices...tak kesah jus aper pun memang kak lady suka..
simah, apa khabar? sihat tak? risau pulak tak de updated entri ni :D
dah siap ngan persiapan raya ke? saya belum pun lagi hatta pakaian raya. minggu nilah insyaAllah.
saya dah back online dah..terima kasih sebab risaukan saya... ni la..tak sempat nak online..ada ja hal..
cola turka ni dah dekat dekat sekuat coca cola rasanya..cola mecca rasa dia mcm mana syikin? saya tak pernah rasa..
ala syikin.. merendah diri pulak heheh ala kalau saya dibandingkan awak..dlm hal membesarkan anak..banyakkk sangat kekurangan saya.. tapi saya masih belajar..
hehehe memang..banyak keburukan cola tu... ais pun sama la..tapi like me.. i ni tak reti nak dengar cakap..so cokeee n ice still for me... :0) awak jangan minum..jaga diri tu :0)
i am fine..thanks 4 ur concern..:0)
kak nong
u n ur hubby did what u think what was right for ur kids..MasyaAllah..it was the right decision for u...
kat turki ni... bila agama sendiri dianggap sebagai musuh.. menjadi orang islam..bukan satu yg patut diagunggkan..bila memakai tudung disekolah diharamkan... bila negara dikuasai oleh tentera...bila kat sekolah pendidikan agama diabaikan (sebab tu saya hantar anak ke sekolah swasta)..dan keluarga sendiri tak memberatkan agama...ini semua..dicampur dengan minum arak secara berleluasa dan tiada badan agama kerajaan yg menguatkuasakan islam.. ni la hasilnya... makan minum tanpa malu dibulan puasa.. tapi ada jugak golongan yg alim..baik..beragama... jadi kena pandai cari kawan la kat sini..
kak lady
amin..betul tu akak...insyaAllah anak kita menjadi kebanggaan kita dunia dan akhirat..
akak tak minat coke? bagus la akak..kat mesia tu berlungguk minuman buah.. memang best..saya ni jadi hantu coke sejak datang turki ja...mana nak cari air tebu..air soya...air tembikai..air buah mata kuching kat sini...
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