
Octopuses have eight arms with two rows of suction discs on each one (lower left). They use their arms to scurry along the ocean floor. When they sense danger, octopuses shoot out ink to darken the water and hide themselves. Their mouths can drill into hard shells and tear prey (lower right).
This is a simple octopus description i found on the net.. Octopus... have u eaten it? If u live in Malaysia..Yup..i am sure one way or another u would have eaten it.. fresh.. or dried..I remember the last time i went back to malaysia, my brother joe bought dried octopus for us n we brought that dried octopus to Tuekry..türks cant stand the smell but i...hmmm..like a precious gem.. i protected my dried octopus possesively n cooked it bit by bit.....while halil watched me ate it in full understanding...when i offered him the octopus, he said..*no thanks* heheheheheheh..sharing octopus was not good n so i didnt heheheheheehh
I thought i would never eat it again... at least not in turkey...until of course the last edremit... while buying the fish from the fisherman there who just came to shore with their catch...halil also discovered that the guy had caught octopus as well...did he buy? nope..he didnt.!!!!
When he told me, i made him turn back n he bought the octopus...one kilogram of weight of octopus which only costed him 10YTL.!! very cheap!! (for fresh squid..it is 15YTL this
year)..little did i expect..the octopus was
year)..little did i expect..the octopus was
Never in my life had i bought an alive octopus!! İt was 11am at that time..we went home..put the octopus inside this plastic container..
Yup..that picture was snapped when it was still alive..the arms r very powerful indeed..it stick to u like a very powerful glu...
eeeeeeeeeee..geli geleman i !!!
U r not going to cut it while it is still alive right??
Of course not..i am not barbaric..let us wait till it dies
And so i half closed the lid of the plastic container n we all went to the sea for our usual sea splashing...
Deep down i had this images of the octopus moving out of the plastic container... moving around the house...
Came back at around 2pm...checked on my octopus..n..it was still alive!!!
I was contemplating that if by night the octopus was still alive... i would set it free back into the ocean...but i wanted to eat octopussssssss......please octopus please die before night...i prayed..
N by 5pm, we left the place for another sea splashing...splash splash... came back home...almost dead...yippie'!!!!.
Instead of cooking the fresh fish n squids we bought that day, we decided to eat out that night...we never eat out in edremit after all these years... that night we decided to..off we went..
Came back..n YES! it is dead!! Yippie!!!!
I was still geli geleman...but my desire to eat it won..
With a plastic functioning as my glove...using a meat cutter knife....with all my energy left in me ..i cut the arms of the octopus..it was very difficult..very hard n very slimy...i should have cut the head part as well but feeling bad enough about killing the octopus.. i led the head into the rubbish bin...eeeeeeeeeeee still geliiii..
Put it in the deep freezer n on the next day..i cooked the octopus my style.. (sorry no picture here)...it took ages to cook (which i didnt have)..but u know what?? unlike the octopus i had ever tasted..even while i was in malaysia...this fresh octopus is very delicious...cooked to perfection, the middle part is actually milky tasting...(it was a fat octopus).. the outside part is not as hard as i had imagined..it is actually delicious...very milky very heavenly...
It took me hours for the octopus to die but it was worth it...Cant take away the guilty feeling though...i mean we buy fresh fish n squids from the fisherman,right? they r already dead when they transfer hands into ours... they were fresh..still with the heavenly smell of fish n seaweeds around..n the squids..when u cook them...the freshness gives it a very sweet taste that when u add in loads of chillies in the gravy....u cannot find this anywhere else..definitely not in istanbul... n the size of the squids??..Besarrrrrrrrrr......very big indeed...
I am an octopus killer....quilty as charged..
These r among the things i love about edremit... fresh fish..fresh squids...
If halil go n buy the fish there n if he asks the fisherman what fish is there for today.. the answer will be..
*Allah ne versa*
Whichever Allah gives..
And that whichever r the ones we feast for dinner in edremit..
I think the last edremit i had eaten at least 4 kilograms of squids n we brought back 2.5 kg more to istanbul...

besarnya sotong!!! kalau buat sambal mesti sodapppp...hehe
:) sama gak ...besauuuuu nya sotong.....
me memang feverit sotong ni.
suka gak sotong kechik2 tu, dan masak dengan serai siap dgn dia punya ink tu sekali...
ermm, dah lama tak makan tu. teringin la pulak.
"khadijah" is ever so sweet in her tudung. bagus betul her anne!
macam best je sotong fresh tu kan? The closest i've tasted fresh sotong was in Kuala Terengganu, bought by the sea when the nelayan came back from mencadat sotong.
anyway simah, hang nak komen camane kalau entry pun hang? ke hang masa comment je?
ala i don't mind you not leaving any comments simah, hang mai jenguk pun dah cukup terharu :)
but my email add for your ref:
Pernah makan squid je...octopus tak pernah la pulak..alahai, time2 posa ni (awal lagi ni) sotong kering (not that one lah! LOL) pun sounds delicious!!
Saya suka makan sambal sotong...10x
goreng pun sodappp ke ke ke, sure lepas gian hang nak mkn species sotong kan...sambal tumis lepas tu msk nasi lemak perghhh
Sedapnya fresh sotong, sedapnya octopus...
Simah, about the octopus, awat tak buat macam orang masak live lobster ... simply dunk it into boiling water. Fast and easy (although I too would prefer it to be dead when I buy it) :-)
buat samba sotong memang sedap..yg tak tahannya bila blend cabai tu blender akan pedas..lepas tu nak rendam seminggu baru bole hilang pedas blender hehehehe
u siap makan sotong dengan ink dia sekali?? biar benar idham?????? eh serai hidup tak kat turki gamaknya kalu tanam? hmmm
mama sarah
hatice is always sweet hahahaha .. i kalau tengok dia cakap..suka tengok mata dia..bulat..masyaAllah..
blog u ni kekadang boleh baca..kekadang tak boleh...tapi for sure akan hang heheheh boleh tak i hang tuan dia?? *wink*
fresh octopus sedap... kalau masak lemak cili padi...mesti piawwwww...
sambal lagi la... adoi..makkkkk pi masak sotong satttt...
memang sedap...ingat lagi masa matrix dulu...bila turun bas PPP tu..kat tepi jalan tu ada akak jual nasik lemak... bila pilih sotong...dengan pedasnya dengan sotongnya...phewwww..leleh jaaaa
eeeee tak nak la cruel mcm tu akak... saya lebih rela tunggu octopus tu mati berjam jam dari rebus hidup hidup..i can imagine the scream of the lobster n octopusses yg kena rebus alive..
*sakittttt...mak tolonggggggggggg*
kat turki octopus ni nak tau mcm mana depa matikan? depa pukul ..aka hempap octopus tu kat lantai...hard n a lot of times... sam cruelty..eeeeeeeee...so i used the less cruel way..(still cruel pun)...death from suffocation.. memang lemak gila rasanya akak... kalau mak ada masa tu dah lama suruh dia masak sambal sotong..dia masak piaw... disebabkan masa tu hanya ada simah...tibai ja la... masak something like sambal but not really sambal hahahahha
Simah ni tak habis-habis dengan cerita sambal sotong ... dah lah puasa! I think I nak buat sambal juga hari ni .. tapi sambal udang sebab sotong tak ada kat rumah.
Eeeeee kesian dia kena hempap ... mesti octopus tu melalak "Adoi lah sakiiiiiit. Tolong jangan bodyslam saya!!!!"
Sotong masak dengan ink like Idham said is specialty orang Kelantan, I think. I pun tak pernah makan ... kalau nak masak sotong, habis ink, mata & kulit I buang. Sotong tu jadi putih bersih hehehe!
Queen of the house
hehehe masak sambal tu akak jangan tak masak..saya pun esok nak pi beli cili kering.. sotong tarak tapi bilis ada... sambal bilis biar satu apartment perit hidung bau cabai hahahhaahahah..
*bodyslam? hahahah cute term tu akak... saya tak tau pun orang kelantan masak sotong dengan ink..abis bila makan tak terpercik ka ink tu kat dlm mulut atau kat baju?
ni bab ikan pulak..
hatice kalau saya beli big fresh ikan yg besar..bila dah cuci..dia suka saya masukkan jari dlm mulut ikan tu buat puppet show ... terkekek kekek minah tu tengok... sotong tu pulak dia happy bila ada ikan tersangkut dlm badan sotong.....dia suruh masak lagi ikan dlm sotong tu..heheheh ..sotong makan ikan...hatice makan ikan... chain reaction hahahah
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