The Sights of Malaysian Food
It happened yesterday...I was in the kitchen cooking...n I heard this sound..somebody was vomitting in the bathroom... It couldnt have been baddin coz he was playing in the living room..Hatice was in it must be Saime... Thru the bathroom door... i asked her..
Simah: *Iyi mısın?* (r u alright?)
Saime: still coughing n vomitting
Simah : *koku sana mı dokunuyor?* (is the smell bothering u?)
Saime: *galiba* (perhaps)
I laughed silently...while spraying *oust* (air freshner) all over the house..
THAT smell my friend was the smell of me cooking the sambal ikan bilis!!! hahahahahahaahaha..see i told u türks cant take our food smell much...but then it serves me right..i was trying to sakat everybody with the turkish cooking..n i was the one yg kena sakat heheheh..
there i was browsing thru several blogs.. n i saw this roti jala made by lollies...i remember the recipe in syikin's recipe blog... after *celup*ing the recipe (thanks syikin).. i had a go... i was not good in *menjala* the roti jala.. (hey! it was my first time trying cooking it ever..)...the shape was there though... made minced meat dhall as the sauce...(halil liked it)..though i wished i had made the curry sauce..but there was no chunk meat or i had to do with dhall..n then called my mom to ask her her recipe of sambal ikan bilis..(ala mak..mana nak cari asam keping or asam jawa?? so i squeezed the orange n greyfruit instead hehehehe..iskh kurang asam...lemon sikit..:0)..tibaii)....and started cooking....the smell heheheh memang menusuk hidung.. i bet the whole apartment were cursing me heheheheheh...
The ikan bilis tuned out totally overly pedas...(so i will have to eat it bit by bit).. still not so bad... at least for my standard since i dunno how to cook Malaysian food... still i try..masak tak susah..kena practice aja la..betul tak kengkawan bloggers? by the way.. 2 days ago i cooked tane tane ..butir butir pilav! yeay!!!!..bravo to myself..
This time i dont plan to menyakat anyone...these pictures r for my own if ur posa *kurus* will be no fault of mine *chuckles*....some of the food i would like to see for my own benefit..:0) If u r not a Malaysian.. enjoy the sights! if u r a Malaysian...these r the things i would ask my mom to cook the next time i see her (or she will just probably buy them from pasar malam......Enjoy!

Simah: *Iyi mısın?* (r u alright?)
Saime: still coughing n vomitting
Simah : *koku sana mı dokunuyor?* (is the smell bothering u?)
Saime: *galiba* (perhaps)
I laughed silently...while spraying *oust* (air freshner) all over the house..
THAT smell my friend was the smell of me cooking the sambal ikan bilis!!! hahahahahahaahaha..see i told u türks cant take our food smell much...but then it serves me right..i was trying to sakat everybody with the turkish cooking..n i was the one yg kena sakat heheheh..
there i was browsing thru several blogs.. n i saw this roti jala made by lollies...i remember the recipe in syikin's recipe blog... after *celup*ing the recipe (thanks syikin).. i had a go... i was not good in *menjala* the roti jala.. (hey! it was my first time trying cooking it ever..)...the shape was there though... made minced meat dhall as the sauce...(halil liked it)..though i wished i had made the curry sauce..but there was no chunk meat or i had to do with dhall..n then called my mom to ask her her recipe of sambal ikan bilis..(ala mak..mana nak cari asam keping or asam jawa?? so i squeezed the orange n greyfruit instead hehehehe..iskh kurang asam...lemon sikit..:0)..tibaii)....and started cooking....the smell heheheh memang menusuk hidung.. i bet the whole apartment were cursing me heheheheheh...
The ikan bilis tuned out totally overly pedas...(so i will have to eat it bit by bit).. still not so bad... at least for my standard since i dunno how to cook Malaysian food... still i try..masak tak susah..kena practice aja la..betul tak kengkawan bloggers? by the way.. 2 days ago i cooked tane tane ..butir butir pilav! yeay!!!!..bravo to myself..
This time i dont plan to menyakat anyone...these pictures r for my own if ur posa *kurus* will be no fault of mine *chuckles*....some of the food i would like to see for my own benefit..:0) If u r not a Malaysian.. enjoy the sights! if u r a Malaysian...these r the things i would ask my mom to cook the next time i see her (or she will just probably buy them from pasar malam......Enjoy!

(mamak awat depa kalau buat mesti piaw?? remembering cendol kat bus stop lama kat BM..tapi cendol kena la dengan gula merah babe!!)

Kerapu Kukus Nyonya

(kena pedas n sambal mesti sedap...)

Masak Lemak Ketam
(Nenas mesti Adaaaa..)
(Nenas mesti Adaaaa..)
Rebus Asam Keladi
(semasam masam yg boleh..piawww)
(semasam masam yg boleh..piawww)

Kerabu Mangga
Kuih Muih
Thank You for hopping by..Hope to see U again next time....
betul. masak tu praktis.
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Simah ... macam orang mengidam!!
I love daging masak hitam too. Last night buat ayam masak hitam sebab daging tak ada. Nak tahu my recipe? Hahahaha, I buy premixed paste - but this is homemade and it tastes very authentic!! All I need to do is add santan & salt. Sedap nyum nyum nyum. The same lady also sells all kinds of premixed spices - senanglah raya nanti (or whenever)I nak buat rendang tok, rendang minang, rendang padang, masak merah, pesamah, mee rebus, laksa johor, daging dendeng, laksa asam, soto, satay, asam pedas, prawn mee, curry mee, mee bandung, green curry, etc etc. HEHEH, saja ak torture Simah .....
Sensitivenya hidung orang Turkey! I am usually okay with foreign foods asal tak meloyakan ...
lollies still learning...still learning :0)
Queen of the House
sakat jangan tak sakat akak.. ..saya dah biasa tertorture so no hal kalau akak nak sakat :0)
*chuckles*..i teringin nak mengidam lepas balik mesia *wink*..kalau Allah izinkan lah ..tak nak mengidam lagi...*wink*
Akak..if i go back to Malaysia one day insyaAllah...we will have to meet so that u can introduce me to ur premixed paste seller!! nak borong banyak banyak...bawak balik pi turki n letak dlm freezer so that it will last long...
my brother dulu ada poskan pre mixed paste..(maggi brand kot).. n memang berguna....bila kempunan..saya masak tu..dia siap pos kunyit serbuk lagi...hehehe..sweet sweet brother..i am still treasuring the asam mo far kor yg dia hantar dulu..
hidung orang turki memang sensitif..tu depa tak bau belcan lagi... ari tu bau dodol durian pun depa loya.. saya tak tau la if it is general.. tapi zaim family n those around me depa memang tak tahan bau makanan kita..cuma halil yg dah terbiasa sikit..
Hehehe SImah, bayangkan kalau Simah goreng ikan pekasam, mahunya pengsan satu apartment building tu kot!!
My SIL gets the pastes from a friend of hers. They are sold frozen and have to be kept frozen sebab rempah ni jenis basah, not dried serbuk. Kaow betul ..... terasa serat serai lengkuas semua. Insyaalah nanti Simah boleh try ....
psssst ... bila nak balik?
QOTH the paste queen! hehehe. dulu pun my mom ada bawakan prepacked paste tu. Boleh tahan jugak lah. tapi tak tahulah same company or not.
For my emergency use, i keep Brahim's Masak lemak cili api and Masak asam pedas. tu guna kalau betul2 desperate je. (sayang wooo mahal and precious) tapi sedaplah bagi tekak saya.
Simah... saya mahu ketam!!! ketam oh ketam!!!
seriously simah, theres no other food heaven like malaysia... semua ada...
wajik goreng tu 1st time saya nampak...
ps-we have been 'layaning' kedai mamak everyday for the last week... whoaaaaa... Alhamduillah :)
Hi Simah,
I visited your sometime before but had to go in hurry and did not manage to leave a note, till just now. Thanks for your visit to my blog dear.
I enjoyed the piece on your daughter, Hatice in School and am already in love with her. I love little girls as I do not have any, but blessed with wonderful nieces.
Boy yummy dishes on your blog. I think the Turks have european taste sambals and belacans take a lot of doing on their part..ha ha.
Have a nice berbuka puasa with your family.
ahh...pic of mouth watering food!!!
Quite a while I didn't make sambal ikan bilis..good idea. Will make it tonite for sahur...emmmm..yummmy
Selamat berpuasa dear!
Queen of the House
pekasam?...hmm..goreng pekasam n lepas tu masak belacan!! hahahah...gerenti nanti saya kena tendang dari rumah nanti.. halil yg tendang heheheh
aisey akak..mcm ni tak dak chan la nak bawak balik rempah tu pi turki..nampaknya saya kena settle ngan brahim ja la...
Balik mesia? Paling lambat summer 2008 (posport nak kena renew).. tapi kalau bank account cukup quota..summer next year..ikut rezeki.. i tak nak hope sangat for next year.. i will just say summer 2008 kot..
mama sarah
ketam? pi la tangkap kat tepi pantai..nanti i tumpang makan heheheh i pun dah 7 thn tak jumpa ketam hehehe
u r back online!!! welcome back!! how is everyone settling? r ur boys adapting well? makan je la makanan mamak..sedap apa... :0)mesti puan fara la ni kalut with everything... nak masak mesti tak sempat.. barang dari jepun dah sampai ker?
Ruby Ahmad
Thank u for visiting my blog..n i have to add this...
*i love anyone who loves my daughter* hehehehe i am a mom after all :0)
yeah... türks have european taste..sambal belacan...tempoyak..durian diaorang tak main...tapi masalahnya kita orang malaysia suka.. so what to do? if i get them here..i will just tibaiiiiiiii...:0)
anggerik merah
selamat bersahur n selamat buat sambal bilis.. just dont make it too hot like mine..jenuh air banyak i minum *chuckles*... but at least lepas kempunan :0)
Nasib baik baru lepas sahur. Kalau tidak dah meleleh air liur. Tak rindu nak makan malaysian food ke?
Wah...different sunggguhnya rupanya Turkish ni ye.
Teringat cerita my sis tumbuk sambal belacan guna lesung (students mmg siap angkut lesung & kuali dari Mesia) di Cairo -
datanglah mak Arab complaint - nak kasi runtuh bangunan ka?
Tahniah with your pilav! And what's next? Heheheh
salam, ya Allah, nape nama saya tu jd trytest..hehe.oh, baru perasan, saya tak tukar nama tadi..
akak.. saya bukan saja rindu kat makanan malaysia... bahkan saya berdendam nak makan semua tu..*chuckles* now i am living by the saying.. *sabar separuh dari iman*...:0)
ala.. u kan pandai masak..mesti sedap punya..just out of curiosity...u masak apa malam tadi?? larat pulak u masak dalam keadaan u mcm tu?
hahahahaha..we malaysians r definitely special!! hahaha..kita punya taste boleh terima mcm mcm..dari petai ke tempoyak..dari sambal ke segala macam rempah...versatile taste we have indeed..
trytest blog apa tu syikin? hehehe lawak la awak...biasa la..saya pun kengkadang terlupa change name...kekadang leave comment
pakai *anne* sebab kekadang saya log in dlm hatice n school..
saja la tu nak terliourkan awak pun nakal yea syikin :0)
roti jala tu saya pakai the latest entry kat blog awak la.. simple gila...budak budak pun pandai..tapi tu la..nak mengurai jala problem sikit...
mak saya tak main pos pos ni.. dia kata mahal..tahun depan kot saya kena tunggu utk pekena abang saya (joe...get ready utk dipekena next year hehehe)..ataupun kena balik malaysia dan borong semua tu balik turki..esp belacan n asam jawa....
saya suka makan asam jawa...bubuh gula pasir atas dia..makan mcm tu fav dari sekolah lagi..tapi mak tak tau..dan dia selalu heran apasal awam jawa dia selalu tinggal sikit heheheh
adei.. sedapnya maasakan turki tu
hubby musti suka, sbb dia suka makan roti mcm tu
bila simah nak balik sini
Aaaiiii...tak de kerja lain laa ni...asyik gambar makanan je....
Simah...banyaknya gambar2 yang menggoda nafsu bulan2 posa ni...hehehhe....tak baik tau... :P
Simah, how are you? Rindu m'sian food ya? Takpa, nanti balik cuti you can eat all you want! Bila tu Simah?
Sorry la dah lama tak datang melawat ur blog. Bulan puasa ni rasa lemah pula nak blogging. :)
Yummy... yummy... yummmy....
simah, sorry la. That was me. Tersigned in as 'anonymous'. It was me - Sherin. :D
ke ke ke...mana hang ambik gambaq2 ni simah? caya la...tak pa at least kurang rindu kat makanan2 tu, tgk gambaq pun jadi :)
tambah sikit lagi, cendol mamak BM tu dah pindah pi depan bangunan MARA BM, alah dekat KFC tu...depan BM S'market...ingat dak :) rasanya ada lagi kat situ...
Hellloooooooo! Anybody home?????!!
Awat sume orang menghilang ni? Bz? Buat k.raya? Beriktikaf di masjid? MasyaAllah....saya insaf....
ooo semakin sayang la ur MIL kat u yea? heheh ala..after all u r carrying her second child from her son...:0)
ibu vogue
itu soalan cepu emas hehehe
mak lang
ni kerja sakat ni.. tapi kali ni kes sakat diri sendiri..
kak lady
saya memang tak baik heheheheh
simah nak pengsan :0) rindu... tapi biasa la..tahan jer r u sherin?
gambaq scan dari my resepi book..satu buku tu kebas kat akak..yg satu lagi tu member kasi hadiah wedding...
mamak tu buat cendoi sedapp..hang selalu makan kat kedai dia tak?
tak sihat...still:0)
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