I am going nuts

This dried chilli.. a very important ingredient in the making of a malay dish called sambal. The chilli grounded with onions, belacan, etc...will make a base for a wonderfully hot sambal...just like this sambal ikan bilis (anchovy cooked in chilli paste)
Dont ask türks to eat this.. they wont like it... at least the normal türks..but to me.. i just simply love it..
I remember cooking this dish a few weeks ago..but later i think i got food poisoning..coz i think the dried anchovies (my mom sent it thru the guests from malaysia)..were expired.. hahahahhaha apa apa la kan..:0)
In turkey, these dry chillies r sold during winter..as i had just discovered.The chillies r produced all summer and hung to dry as in..right now? in winter.
For the last few months, i couldnt find these chillies anywhere. Only last pazar did i find it.. and u know what? Since it is early in the season still, the supposedly dried chillies were not dried at all!! hahaha still quite soft.. not dried as yet (as evident in the pic above)....i bought them from my fav spice seller in pazar.. other sellers would have sold me that chillies for 2.5 ytl or even 3 YTL per line **a new price this season**(around 23-25 chillies a line) ..but my seller sold me that chillies using the old price that is 1 YTL per line..for these chillies, i guess i just have to buy from those selling using the old price then... :0)
Mıstık told me there r two types of these dried chillies.. one type is not hot while the other type is hot..pedas sepedas pedasnya.. they look the same though... u need to ask the seller for the not hot ones..
Do turks use this chilli? at homes i dont think they actually buy the chilli n blend it themselves. However, these chillies r sold already blended (with the seeds together) n put in bottles.. BUT... there is a but of course, the taste is only of pure chilli n for some they had put too much salt in the blended chilli that for malaysians' taste..unless u cannot find the dried chillies.. this is the last resort..for making ur sambal..
Türks use this chilli for?...i have no idea hehehe my guess is..they use a bit for cooking (if they like their food hot)..Halil for example, loves this chilli in his favourite mennemen (turkish scrambled egg).. he loves to spread it in his burger (if we make it at home).. and even inside his cheese toast...a bit but not too much..the chilli like i said is salty..but then türks love salty things...so..this chilli is something perfect for them..
So the conclusion is : if u r into these dried chillies (cili kering..or cabai kering i call them).. BUY them while winter is on!! Stock them up :0)
Seeing another Malay face to face..talking in Malay...that one time soon after Raya puasa (bayram), had awoken that longing again..the longing i try to contain as best as i can...It was bearable ..alone..but seeing another person with almost the same roots..the same life culture had errupted the longing...
The (cili kering) dried cili had errupted the heat inside my stomach..my mouth... pedassssssssss as i took my mouthfulls of Sambal telur, sambal udang, sambal ayam...sambal ikan...but nothing can help me for my longing...
*wait another year of two my dear simah*.. i keep telling myself..
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...mak nak balikkkkkkkkkkkkk.......... (pls ignore this erruption..i just need to let this out)
p.s Mona..ko nak aku pos kat ko cabai kering pi US tak?
P.s.s ada sesapa ada resepi karipap tak? boleh tak share recipe?
Thank You for hopping by..Hope to see U again next time...
wow u r a cili queen eh?I always buy cili giling yg dah siap sonang tak payah nak blend...'geng malas'..anyway jarang masak pedas2 pasal I tak makan pedas kalau makan kena bawa tuala bolih peras after that...hehe ..ok so you don't get them till winter if thats the case biji dia u tanam aje lah.
Eh..Turkish scrambled eggs tu macam mana rupa? Post la gambar:)
kak elle
no..i am not a chilli queen.. tapi saya suka la makan pedas.. eversince i have started a new life kat turki ni.. my ability to makan pedas pedas dah kira turun sebab kat sini tak makan pedas.. ni kira buat sambal ni baru ja start..mungkin sebab kerinduan kat orang kat malaysia dah susah nak tanggung kot..no complaints..
nanti la whenever i am free i will add in the recipe of this menemen kat *Zaim Ladies Recipe Book*. The link is at the right side (sidebar) of this blog.. tunggu yea..
Simah, pernah dengar tak cili 'Aci Biber' kat German famous..katanya dari Turki..
Simah nak resepi karipap ker? nanti ajzie kasi.. ada email add tak?
hehehe...sabaq simah, kejap je setahun dua tu...kalau aku jadi hang pun sure rindu nak tgk mak bapa kan?...tak pa niat berhijrah banyak pahala tu :)
sebut pasal cili kisar... we do it ourself. but not me.. normally my maid. so b4 my maid balik indon for good itu hari.. i suruh dia stock banyak banyak dlm freezer. can last for 2 months.. hee..hee..
aci biber tu la yg kekadang depa bubuh terlampau banyak garam tu..tapi kalau buat sambal tak berapa sama dengan kalau kita kisar cili tu dari cili kering.. gamaknya depa bubuh something as well inside the aci biber tu.. maybe vinegar ka..
email saya..
hang pun berhijrah jugak..memang hang boleh paham la apa perasaan aku kan :0)
memang dok sabaq pun.. ala..dah dekat nak 4 tahun sabaq.. apa salahnya sabaq setahun dua lagi kan? tapi sementara sabaq tu.. angau jugak nak balik hehehe
ok la tu u ada serbuk babas.. apa apa la yea? asalkan kita pandai modify utk hidup hehehe
kat sini mcm halia tu kat carrefour ada la jual (mahalnyaaaaaa gilaa).. mcm sos tiram..chinese type sauces memang ada...bihun dan koeyteow pun ada.. santan pun ada..tapi tu la.. mahallllllllllllllllllllllllll
sesekali tu nak lepaskan kempunan tu boleh la beli..
marlina baharom
Cerdik jugak hang ni hehehe bab nak kisar cabai ni.. yg lemah bila tangan terkena cabai.. adoiiiiiii...kot kot terlupa tangan pedas lepas tu tenyeh mata..naya hehehe
kesian kat u tak de gang nak makan sambal. u tak buat kwn dgn other msian families kat sana ke simah?
hohohoho..kemana pun simah tak leh lupa cabai kering..hhheheh
iv baru jumpa satu cara baru nak buat cabai kering, kakak kat opis iv ni, dia masak serbuk cabai sampai, campur cuka untuk tahan lama
aritu iv tanya dia cemana nak buat, terus dia bagi sebekas..boleh tahan jugala rasanya
simah, kalau tastebud melayu tu melayu gak kan...can never live without chilli, lagi sedap makan ngan nasi steaming hot, kena lak sabal belacan ke, sambal ikan bilis ke...hmmmm, now prompting me to masak sambal sotong la today :)
mama sarah
i tak kenal pun any malay families kat sini.. tu pun i baru kenal one singaporean girl yg baru duduk sini...
i am not the social type sebenarnya.. a bit of a recluse..i tak reti nak berkawan...tak la anti social..dunno la.. i just am happy being alone..
rasanya mesti ada malay families kat istanbul..tapi i ja yg tak tau... kat ankara mesti ada sebab kat sana ada malaysian embassy..
memang kalau campur cuka dan garam cabai kering tu tahan lama.. tapi tu la..cuka tak ka nanti mengkikis isi perut? hehehe mcm la cabai yg pedas tu tak kikis kan?apa apa la..asalkan dapat lantak cabai udah :0)
saya selalunya bubuh dalam deep freezer ja..that way tahan lama..ala..masak utk sorang ja tak pakai banyak cabai pun..:0)
mama rock
memang dah melayu tu melayu jugak..hehehe sambal sotong? masak jangan tak masak mama..mama masak sambal sotong pakai santan tak? mcm my mom suka masuk santan sikit bila masak sambal sotong..
saya pun semalam halil baru beli octopus kat carrefour... amboi.. liatnya nak potongggg.. gamaknya next time kena rebus dulu baru potong..habis satu badan memerchik..satu badan bau octopus.. dah la tu at the same time halil beli 3 kg udang ..gila penat nak asingkan kulit dengan isi..
at least this time i dont have to wait for hours for the octopus to die..tak mcm the last time.. berjam jam baru octopus tu nak jadi arwah.. i am sure rasanya tak sama mcm fresh octopus..not as milky mcm yg kat edremit tu..tapi nak lepas kempunan tu.. boleh la tibaiiiiiii..:0)
ahaa.. i baru demo karipap kat zharif's class last week. pakai resipi pastri apple pie : 3 cups of flour, 200gm margerine/butter & 10 tablespoon (or more) iced water. rub them, knead them macam kepal2 kan saja until jadi dough (dont overknead, nanti keras bila goreng). p/s.. ada traces margerine pada dough tu takpe. if melekat, put in d fridge dulu b4 roll.
:) simahhhhhhhhhhhh jangan balek..hehehehe
i tengok dah slide tu.. lady in black huh? hehehe
thanks :0)nanti nak cuba.. the butter should be left under normal heat first kan?as in left overnight outside the fridge?
budak nakal ni nak kena keletek ni hehehehehehe
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